Saturday, February 22, 2014

Single Fence (Part 2)

I have to confess I have been on the fence about an opportunity at my church.

            The single’s pastor at my Church wants to start a new group for singles who are 30-39.    My church has a group for 20-29 and a singles group for 40-59.    I used to kind of razz the single’s pastor at my church for skipping a decade and making us 30 year old singles feel “singled” out.    Apparently there have been many people asking him why our church does not provide a group for people who are single and 30-39.   
            I am very involved in my church (and very visual) so naturally he asked me to join this group several months ago.  Originally I was going to join; but as the months have passed I have found my desire to join this group weakening.  The more I think about it, the less I want to go.
              A fence is a boundary line.  I am on the fence about attending this singles group.  I am finally finding contentment in the grass on my side of the fence and I am unsure if I want to mess that up.   
Earlier this year I stated that I wanted 2014 to be a boy-drama free year.   I have to admit that it is boy-drama free and it is FANTASTIC!   There are no guys at my job.  No guys in the ministries I participate in at church.  No guys at my bible study.  ZERO.  Zilch.  Nada. None. I am finding incredible joy in this season because I don’t have any distractions.    I am not wasting my time pulling rose petals off of flowers asking: “Does he love me? Does he love me not?”  I don’t have to worry why he didn’t call.   I don’t have to put up with dating games or spend hours analyzing the conversations I have with anyone.   It is GLORIOUS!
I spend my time building relationships with people from church and work.  I spend my time serving the LORD at work and at church.  I spend my time getting into the word of GOD and worshiping him.  I spend my time learning new hobbies.
Right now I am off of any guys radar.  Apparently there are 60 single people who are single and between the ages of 30-39 currently attending my church.   I can say with full confidence I don’t know a “single” one of them.  (Get the play on words..) 

To be honest… I am ok with this.

            I like the fact I am kind of “flying under the radar”.  I don’t have any guys pursuing me because they don’t know I exist.  I don’t have to wonder why some guy stared at me for 6 months, began to pursue me, and then ignored me the minute I started to like him.   I am sitting on the fence and trying to decide if I am ready to jump over and attend the singles group and deal with stupid boy drama or if I should just stay where I am. 

Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup.  You have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places: surely I have a delightful inheritance”. 
~Psalm 16: 5-6

       The boundary line is like a fence; hence I am on the fence about joining this singles group.  There is peace within the boundary GOD has placed for me.  He is pruning me and I am growing the Fruit of the Spirit each and every day.   My garden is serene and calm.  I have stillness before the LORD.  I feel content where I am in life. 

Do I want to ruin the beautiful quiet that GOD has given my spirit by joining this single’s group?   Do I want to be in a room full of anxious people who are desperate to get married when I have so much peace about this season?   Do I want single, eligible guys in my church to know I am here?

What does GOD think about all this?   Well, just because the singles group is “permissible does not mean it’s beneficial”~ 1 Corinthians 6:12.   I am allowed to attend this group, but it probably won’t benefit me as much as my small group bible study does.   I guess it all comes down to trust.  I trust GOD.    I trust that he will supply all my needs according to the riches in Christ Jesus?  I trust GOD that if it is supposed to happen with someone, it will in GOD’s timing.  I trust that he will not delay in answering my prayer.

I guess I am not on the fence anymore.  I have decided to stay within the boundary GOD has placed for me and tend my garden. 

~Sunny :D

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