Sunday, February 9, 2014


When a seed is planted, a farmer knows what that seed will become because he is the one who planted it.   During the waiting phase, a seed does not grow overnight; it takes time for the plant to grow.   It takes sunshine, water and time.   It also needs the farmer to maintain the soil and get rid of the weeds.  During the harvest time is when the blessings of the hard work is finally realized.   

GOD is the farmer and he planted a seed in my heart to become married.   I believe this desire was placed in my heart when I was very young, but I never allowed GOD to actually do the work in me that needed to be done.    The waiting phase is probably the most difficult thing for humans to experience.  

I was reading the story of Joseph the other day and I was thinking about the idea of waiting.  Joseph knew that he would someday be something great, but he had to wait for GOD to work it out.   I always wonder how difficult it would be for Joseph to keep his faith in GOD for the promise when he was living in a prison all those years.   Someday I hope to ask him about it in heaven.   Joseph had to WAIT.  Abraham is another biblical character who had to wait for GOD’s promise.   Abraham wanted a child and GOD promised him a child, yet Abraham had to wait many years for that promise to be fulfilled.   Abraham had to WAIT.

The desire to be married has been placed in my heart and I have faith that GOD will fulfill this need.   However, right now I am in the waiting phase.  This phase is SO difficult.     I find myself questioning: How long O GOD will I wait on you?   This stage takes time.  GOD has to “weed” out all the bad stuff.  (see my next post titled ‘Ouch GOD that hurts’).  I am following GOD’s lead right now to teach me what I am supposed to learn during this phase.  I am learning how to be content by myself.  I am learning how to fully trust him with my life.

I feel like a seedling.  I am finally growing out of the soil, but I am very small and I am not ready to be harvested.   I still have a lot of growing to do.  I know this growing is going to be painful.   It’s going to put me on my knees before the LORD often. It is going to take time.   I have so much work to do before I will be ready for the blessing I am longing for.  I know this.  I need to work on myself before I can be a blessing for someone else.   I am choosing to follow GOD’s will over my own, which will only make the harvest sweeter.

After the waiting phase is over, I will be able to harvest.    GOD will bring the most amazing man of GOD into my life.   This man will be a blessing to me and I will be a blessing to him.    GOD timing is perfect and I need to trust him with this very sensitive area of my life.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.”
~Ecclesiastes 3:1

“For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false.  Though it linger, wait for it.  It will certainly come and will not delay.”
~Habakkuh 2:3

~Sunny :D

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