Sunday, February 9, 2014

A man will reap what he sows..

       Jesus often uses farming analogies when teaching his parables.   Fruit, vines, harvests, reap, sowing, and seeds are just some of the words used by Jesus to teach us about growth.   GOD has been teaching me many things about these parables recently and I wanted to share them with you.    The next few blog posts will all have some sort of farming component to them.  ENJOY!

I was watching an online sermon the other day and the pastor read an excerpt from a book that made me think.   I don’t remember the exact quotes but it went something like this:

A woman wants to lose weight but she refuses to exercise or count calories.

A man wants to get married to a good Christian girl, but dates every cute girl who comes along; even if they are not Christian.

A couple wants to be debt free but they spend money they don’t have for using credit cards.

            These are just a few examples the pastor gave us of how people set out with good intentions but lack the drive to complete the goals.   These people are reaping what they sow.   The woman who wants to lose weight will always stay heavy unless she gets her diet under control.   She reaps what she sows.   The couple will always stay in debt if they don’t control their spending.  They reap what they sow.

            This is true in many things in life.  If I want to build strong relationships with people I need to be willing to put in the work to do so.   If I want to be a better teacher I need to go to workshops and seminars.   If I want to have a better relationship with my Savior I need to have the discipline to get into the word, pray and worship. 

~Sunny :D

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