Sunday, February 9, 2014

Good Fruit

            I have found myself questioning how to react to certain people.  I consider all friendships to be relationships of sorts.    Some relationships I have with people are encouraging.  They build me up.  They help me grow.   Some relationships I have do the opposite, they tear me down.  They make me question who I am.  They hurt my relationship with the LORD.  When viewing relationships I have decided to ask myself:  Does this relationship bear good fruit?

            Matthew 7:18-19 states: “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. ”  After some time in prayer I realized that I don’t need to spend anymore time investing in relationships that don’t bear good fruit.   If a relationship is not bearing good fruit now then it never will and it should be cut off.   

            Does this mean I have to end friendships with the unsaved?  Nope! Some of the most encouraging relationships I have are with friends who don’t share my beliefs.  Jesus himself used to hang out with tax collectors and sinners.  As long as those relationships bear good fruit and don’t hurt my walk with GOD; they will be worth the investment.   

            I have had to look in my heart and end a few relationships with people who I believe no longer bear the good fruit.    One friendship that I am ending is with a fellow member of the body of Christ.    This is with someone who has repeatedly said things to me to hurt my spirit and steal my joy.    I had to ask: Why is this person in my life?  How does a friendship with this person improve my quality of life?  Do I grow in the LORD because of this person?   After careful reflection I realized it is time to end that friendship.   It is not edifying.

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