Saturday, February 22, 2014

GOD's Family

“GOD sets the lonely in families” ~ Psalm 68: 6

            I read this verse several years ago.  When reading it I interpreted it as a promise that GOD would give me a husband and a family.  I was feeling lonely and that would be my solution.  Genesis outlines the plan Man + Woman= Family.
            However, I don’t think that is true anymore.   While I do think that marriage is part of GOD’s plan for my life, I think he has something bigger in mind.  I am humbled to know that GOD has infinite wisdom and his ways are not my ways.   In Ephesians, Paul writes: “He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.”   When we accept Christ, we become Children of GOD.  We become part of GOD’s family.   We are adopted into the kingdom of GOD. 
            GOD’s family is found in the church.   Around Christmas I had this overwhelming burden to get more involved into my church and invest in relationships with other believers.   Since Christmas I have opened my home more often.  I have reached out to make connections with some of my “senior saints” and other believers.    I have been richly blessed by some of the ministries I have found myself in.  Some of the contacts I have made have helped me to grow in my relationship with the LORD.  I was lonely and I kept asking GOD to answer his promise and put me into a family and GOD showed me that I already belong to one.
            GOD has shown me that my church family loves me.   They care about me.  They support me.  I can confide in them and they will give me good advice.   They can mentor me.  I feel protected by them.  
            Church people long to build community.   They want to belong to something.  I have learned that my church family desires the opportunities to grow together just as much as we singles do.
I encourage every single person who reads my blog to invest in relationships with members of your church.   Don’t just get involved into Single’s ministries or seek out romantic acquaintances.   Reach out and make other connections.  Take a widow to lunch.  Invite an older couple over for dinner.   If you are female, ask another woman to meet up for coffee or go for a walk.  If you are a male, ask a fellow male to play basketball.    

Make connections. Build relationships.  Belong to GOD’s family!

~Sunny :D

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