Sunday, February 9, 2014

GOD sees what is NEXT

As a dog owner, I spend a great deal of time walking my dog.   Sometimes we go hiking, sometimes we go to nearby park and sometimes we stay in the neighborhood. 

            I was hiking with my pug a few weeks ago and as we were walking I heard howling noises.  I have been told that Coyotes live in those hills and they like to come down the mountain when it gets dark out.   It was around 5:30 so I was quite sure the howling noises I heard were coyotes.  I decided to turn around and head back to my car immediately.  My pug, however wanted to go the other way.   He was stubborn.  He was pulling on the leash.  He was digging his legs into the dirt.  He did everything he could to try to get me to go the other way.  But I knew what was out there and I wanted to keep him safe.   I saw what was coming even if he didn’t.

            How often do I act like my pug when it comes to following the leading of the LORD?   He tells me to go one way and I keep insisting that I should go the other way.   I am stubborn.  I dig my feet.  I try to pull on the leash.   I try to reason with GOD, I try to negotiate, I beg and I plead and I cry out: “But GOD, I want to go THAT WAY!!”

            Thankfully, we worship a patient GOD.  GOD knows what is coming.  He sees what is next.  He knows about the dangers because Scripture promises “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do no be afraid; do not be discouraged” ~ Deuteronomy 31:8.   GOD sees what is ahead because he is already there.  He is all knowing and he knows where the dangers lie.   I don’t need to be afraid because my life is in the hands of an all knowing, loving GOD. 

            Why am I still so stubborn?   Well, I am human.  Everyday I am learning to trust GOD more and rely on myself less.    This is a scary process, but it is an amazing journey.

~Sunny :D

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