Sunday, January 5, 2014

When Women Talk....

I have kind of decided in my heart that I wanted to make 2014 a date free, distraction free year.   I am not completely closing off the possibility of finding a good guy this year, but trying to put it on the back-burner.  Ultimately I wanted to serve GOD and keep my focus on HIM and not on boys.    I have been finding this goal very difficult.
            We all have those friends you say “Hey, we should get together sometime..”  During my breaks from teaching I tend to see these friends.   Summer break, Thanksgiving break, spring break and Christmas break.  I had 4 social obligations in one day with women I don’t see very often. 
            I have been meeting with all these different women and the topic seems to revolve around my (date-less) life.  Each woman offered advice about how I could get a guys attention.   We would analyze the words or actions of the last guy I thought was interested to see what happened.  They would advise me to sign up for e-harmony or Christian café.    Some women even offered to find someone to set me up with. 
            I am trying to focus my mind on the things of GOD.   I am trying to find my contentment in being single and it’s incredibly difficult when all women talk about is men.   (If you are a guy reading my blog you would be AMAZED how much women talk about you). 
            Granted, I brought some of this on myself because I typically talk about guys all the time too.  I would encourage thoughtful analyses of my dates I went on and do a play-by-play with all of my girlfriends who all gathered around me like animals waiting to get fed.   These women would give listening ears, advice and prayer that maybe this time was different.  Maybe “he was the one”~ and these same women would console me with ice cream when things did not work out as I hoped.
            I never realized how all this was an EPIC waste of time!   I am beginning to wonder if I can even have a conversation with a women that does not center around guys.  Not only is it an EPIC waste of time, I believe it’s the cause of some of my anxiety.
            How can I change this?  How can I make my conversations with other women become more GOD focused and less guy focused?  I can make a conscience effort to make my conversations more GOD centered.  Talk about sermons I have heard, or share praise and worship music.   Talk about all the great things GOD is doing in my life instead of focusing on the thing that is not happening.    How can I reinvent myself in a way to relate to unsaved friends without the talk of boys?   I can invest in myself and explore hobbies and do these hobbies with friends.

I want to make my conversations with others more glorifying and edifying.. 

~Sunny :D

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