Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Years Resolutions...

January 1st always means it’s time to make New Year’s Resolutions.   I decided to ask GOD what I should be doing in 2014.  After much prayer I believe my time would be best spent serving the LORD to the best of my ability.

I am going to devote more time serving the LORD in my church.  I am already very involved, but I believe it’s time for me to find out what other ways the LORD can use me.    I am praying that GOD opens up an opportunity for me in the New Year.   I also plan on opening my home more often and practice hospitality to other members of the body of Christ.    I would like to invite people over once a month and make them a lunch or dinner.  

I will also devote some time being more encouraging to my co-workers.  I am not the only one at my school feeling frustrated with our circumstances.   Just like it makes my day when someone gives me an unexpected surprise I think others would benefit from me doing the same thing.   Every week I would like to write an encouraging note to a co-worker and leave a surprise in their mailbox.  I will also do this anonymously and try to pick a different co-worker each week.    I will try to pick someone who is really having a difficult week.  Because of my chatty nature, I build relationships quickly and people often “dump” their problems onto me so I know who will need a pick me up. 

I already spend an hour a day with GOD (often more than that).  However I am going to begin reading books by Christian authors during my lunch breaks at school.   I have a pile of books I purchased over the summer that I have not even cracked open.  It’s time to get those read.   I plan on posting book reviews of the different books I read.

My New Years resolution is simple this:  Focus on GOD and his love and be content in all things.   

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