Sunday, December 29, 2013

When in Rome... Part 2

I wanted to write about this passage separate from the other ones because  1) I could not figure out a way to intertwine it into my previous post and 2) I think this passage needs more attention than a small blog post could handle.

And we know that in all things GOD works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” ~Romans 8:28

            I think this verse gets misinterpreted.   It does not mean that nothing bad will ever happen to you, it simply means that GOD will work those bad situations for your good.    Thinking about my life before I became a believer~ lots of bad stuff happened to me.   However those bad things helped to form me into the woman I am today.  I have a gentle nature, but underneath that I am a very strong women of GOD.  I have overcome great things in my life because of Christ and I am grateful for that.

            Second, I think this verse gets distorted because people think they can just do whatever they want and GOD will honor it.   This is false doctrine.  A man reaps what he sows.   GOD will punish you if you disobey (for example, he will hide his face if you are not repenting of sin).   Once the sin has been dealt with, GOD will use that mistake for HIS glory~ not yours.   The second half of the verse states you are: called according to HIS purpose.

            Scripture outlines GOD’s plan for our life and it is very simple: Believe in, Trust, Love and Obey JESUS.  I know that living the Christ filled life is more complicated that than.    GOD will meet you where you are.  He will help you, if you earnestly seek him. 

~Sunny :D

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