Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Dear Readers

Dear Readers,

         It is my prayer that this BLOG is getting read and it is inspiring people who may be struggling with the same things I do.  Being a single, Christian girl at 36 has vast trials attached to it.   I try to keep the blog encouraging and empowering, however I don't always think I do a good job of that.    

        I am trying to keep this blog focused around GOD and HIS love for us.  I know many of my posts talk about the struggles I face dating, and some of the posts are about the struggles I face as a single woman.   Sometimes I feel alone.   Sometimes I am afraid of the future.  Often I don't understand GOD or his plans for me.   I have a pretty strong relationship with the LORD and I try to quote scripture, but I think it's important for my readers to see the human side of me too.

        According to my statistics I have over 500 readers from all over the United States.   If you so desire, please feel free to comment on the posts I make.   I would love to hear what readers thought of the things I am posting.    I have considered creating a "fake" e-mail account so you can communicate with me, but I am not sure if I would have the time to respond to that many e-mails.

      This is going to be my last blog post of 2013.   Don't worry readers, I will be back on January 1, 2014.    I need to spend some time alone with GOD and search my heart.    The best way for me to do this is to unplug from the world.   No phone calls, no Facebook, no TV and  no blogposts.

                                                I wish you all a Merry CHRISTmas!!!

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