Wednesday, December 25, 2013

NOT alone on Christmas

Who wants to be alone on Christmas? I live very far from my family and plane tickets at Christmas are not something I can afford.  Not to mention the difficulty in finding a place to put my pug while I am out of town.  I stay in Arizona over the holidays.

            I have spent a few Christmas days alone.  (You are never alone when you have Jesus right?).   I have gone to movies by myself on Christmas.  One year I went to San Diego.   One year I made myself a small ham and rested the whole day. 

Last year I was “encouraged” to spend time with friends on Christmas because “nobody wants to be alone on Christmas”.   Anyway, I was invited to join a friend and her family for Christmas.    I felt very awkward.   Here I was this pathetic single woman and I was crashing this families precious Christmas memories.  I vowed not to do that again.    Knowing I would again get the “you can’t be alone on Christmas” pressure, I prayed.    I prayed very hard last year that I would NOT be alone on Christmas this year.   Not only would I not be alone, I wanted to be somewhere that didn’t make me feel like a 3rd wheel or a party crasher. 

When GOD answers prayers, he does so abundantly!  A recently divorced teacher invited me to join her for breakfast.   Two of my friends from College invited me to get together with them.   I have also been invited to join two families from my church.   GO GOD.

            I went to the breakfast of the divorced woman and enjoyed getting to know 8 new women I have never met.  (We decided to call it the orphan breakfast).   After the breakfast I went over to my BFF’s house and we had a nice dinner with some mutual friends.     GOD answers prayers.   I was not alone and even more important, I did not find myself in any weird social situations.     When I said that prayer a year ago, I did not know how GOD was going to work it out, but he had it all planned out and it was perfect.   GOD is AWESOME!

I can’t wait to see what amazing blessings he has in store for me next Christmas!

~Sunny :D

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