Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Promises of GOD

Scripture often refers to the church (believers) as the bride of Christ.    There will be a great marriage feast when we return home to be with Jesus.   The marriage supper to Christ will be a perfect union of unconditional love, trust, tenderness, security, provision and fulfillment.   Here are some promises from scripture to help sustain believers until they reach our home of eternal peace.  

GOD will never leave me.   Scripture promises: “HE will never leave you, he will never forsake you”.   GOD will always be at my side today, tomorrow and into eternity.  

GOD loves me. “Neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of GOD that is in Christ Jesus our LORD.”     Scripture tells us that GOD loves us with an everlasting love, with an unfailing love.  “he saves us with his unfailing love”

GOD will protect me.  “The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed” He is a “Shield around us”.   He is described as a “Mighty Tower the righteous run into”.  GOD will be with me and protect me from harm.

GOD comforts me.    Scripture promises that The LORD will comfort his people.   “He will comfort those who mourn”.  He will “stay close to the brokenhearted”.  He “ heals the brokenhearted and binds their wounds”.   GOD is so amazing that He brings comfort to his people all the way to the grave “Thou I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, your rod and staff comfort me”.

GOD provides for me.  He provides and sustains me.   He “provides for the poor” He will “richly provide us with everything we need”.     GOD does not provide he provides abundantly!

I usually try to list scripture references when I post scripture, but these are verses I have hidden in my heart and I was not feeling motivated enough to look them all up.   Many apologies go out to my readers.

True fulfillment in life requires a believer to make their relationship with Christ the most important thing.  Let’s prepare for our eternity. 

Let’s all lean against the throne of GOD and find our peace!

~Sunny :D

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