Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Reindeer Games

It’s Christmas so I decided to title this blog post reindeer games.   I want to get one thing clear I HATE DATING GAMES!!  Thus from now I will call all dating games Reindeer Games because I think they are ridiculous.

            I don’t think dating is fun.   I kind of hate it.  I hate the way Single, Christian guys my age act around me.  It’s like they are walking on eggshells.  They want to talk to me but are afraid to at the same time.   What are they afraid of? 

I hate the way that some Single, Christian guys act like jerks around me so I don’t pursue them.  Let’s get one thing strait, I am not the type of girl who pursues a guy.   If a guy likes me, he knows were to find me.

Besides, Why can’t we just be friends?

I hate it when guys stare at me but won’t talk to me.  I am an incredibly approachable person and I am friendly.  The starring kind of gives me a creepy vibe and I wish guys would JUST TALK TO ME instead of stare.  Why do they stare?  It’s so weird.   Trying to get my attention?  Talk to me.  I promise you, if you talk to me enough you will HAVE my attention.
I hate the games guys play.   One week the guy shows interest and the next week he acts like you don’t exist.   Games like this are probably the thing I hate the most because it leaves me wondering what I did wrong?   I really hate this kind of nonsense.   If you like me, come talk to me.  If the conversation goes well,  ask me out for coffee.    If I am interested, I will gladly get coffee with you~ 

See how simple it is?

I know coffee is not a marriage proposal and I think most girls know that too..  How are you supposed to get to know us if you never spend time with us?  Why do guys make dating so difficult?   (I blame Joshua Harris, who has seriously ruined my life~  but that’s a different blog post). 

Why can’t guys be more up front?  Why the games? 

I hate going on dates with guys I don’t know well because I am afraid they will push my physical boundaries (and they often try to).    NO means NO!  NO I am not going to kiss you on the first date, and stop trying to invite yourself into my apartment.. That’s not going to happen either!

I hate dating websites like e-harmony and match where the guys put SO MUCH emphasis on physical beauty that I girls like me get overlooked.   I have so much to offer and these guys don’t even see it because they are too busy looking at someone else.    I also hate dating websites because I have learned from personal experiences that guys lie on those things.   Silly boys.. Don’t you know scripture?  Lies will trap you!

I think dating “games” are half the reason I hate being single.  I hate wasting time pulling petals off of flowers saying: “He loves me, he loves me not” and wondering where I stand from one week to the next. 

I am going to be honest, when I suspect a guy is playing games with me I turn walk away.  If a guy really likes me, he won’t take the chance in losing me with silly reindeer games.  He will be upfront with his intentions and honest with me and everyone else.  I am amazing.  I have a lot to offer and I am waiting for the guy who sees that and snatches me off of the “market” so nobody else can have me.   This guy won’t waste any time with silly reindeer games. 

~Sunny :D

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