Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I often don’t feel qualified to do the things I have found myself called to do. I was not raised in a Christian home.  In fact, my childhood was full of abuse and pain.  I don’t think I am qualified to teach Children about GOD.  There are warnings in the bible about being a teacher, and people who teach are held to higher standards than the rest of us.  Can I be accountable like that?     I begin to doubt I am qualified to do this.  I am afraid that parents will find out about my abusive past and fear me being around their children.  I feel shame when I think about skeletons I hide.  I do not think I am the woman parents want their kids looking up too.  Those things are in my past, but Christians are not always as forgiving as GOD is.

Raging storms of feelings have been tormenting my soul since the day I signed up for VBS.  I am no longer just a volunteer for VBS but I have managed to become a full-fledged member of Children’s ministry.  Volunteering with Sunday services, helping with the Children’s Christmas Musical and helping to coordinate the Children’s worship.  Wait? What?

I prayed about it and GOD reminded me that he likes to qualify those who feel they are unqualified. Moses was a servant boy and yet GOD used him to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt.  Joshua, the biblical figure that followed Moses was also unqualified for the call, and yet his faith gave Israel victory at Jericho.    GOD said to Joshua “Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the LORD your GOD will be with you wherever you go.”

Children’s Ministry is “new” territory for me and I don’t really know if I am doing it right and I certainly don’t even know if I should be there at all.   I just need to remember that he LORD my GOD will be with me wherever I go~ and he will guide me on this new path. 

~ Sunny :D

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