Wednesday, December 11, 2013

GOD said "Wait"

It has been said that GOD answers prayers in three ways: Yes, No, Wait.   Waiting is a part of life.  Singles wait to get married.  Married folks wait to have kids.  Older folks wait to hear about health diagnoses.  We wait for jobs, we wait for houses, we wait for retirement.  We wait for almost everything in life.

With that said, in our fast paced society waiting can be very difficult.  We are consumers and waiting is not part of our vocabulary.  In fact, waiting can be downright unpleasant. Who rejoices when they get to a red light?  Even the most patient person starts to get annoyed when stuck in line for a long time at the check out.

I have had two relationship doors slam in my face.  One was Rob (Listed in a previous blog) and the other was with a co-worker.   GOD closed both doors.  Let me rephrase that:  GOD SLAMMED both doors shut!   Granted, my co-worker was not GOD’s best and I realize that now, but Rob could have been good for me and having that door SLAM was really tough… Especially at my age.  

I fell to my knees and asked GOD to send me the right guy NOW.  I went before the LORD, gave him my broken heart and I wept.   I poured out my heart and explained that I could hear my fertility ticking away as loudly as drum.   I cried to GOD that I feared I would age out of having kids.   I described to GOD how hurtful comments questioning my sexuality at my church have made me ache.   I expressed how unhappy I was about being single and I held nothing back.    I tried to plead my case before GOD by recalling times when my singleness made others uncomfortable.   I quoted the Word of GOD:  “Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart”.

I did all of this as my feeble attempt to convince GOD that he should send Mr. Right tomorrow. 

GOD said “Wait”.

Wait?  I don’t want to wait.  I want Mr. Right NOW!  GOD didn’t you hear how difficult being single has become for me? 

Trying to take matters in my own hands (because that always works out so well?) I dressed up in my best clothes.  I put on make-up and I did my hair.   I dressed as if I was going to go on a date and I headed to the nearest Christian bookstore.  The goal of course was to leave with a date for Friday.   GOD had other plans.

I arrived into the store and there were zero single guys.  I decided I would peruse the shop in hopes a handsome single guy (AKA my Future Husband) would arrive shortly.   I was looking through the devotionals.  I open one up: “Those who WAIT upon the LORD shall renew their strength” (Isaiah 40:31).     I quickly close it.   I pick up a book about the Fruit of the Spirit and I turn to “Patience” (Galations 5:22).   I am started to get the not so subtle hint from GOD and then I open up another book and read “Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD”.  (Psalm 27:14).

Ok GOD, I get it, you want me to wait.   Please help me to stay patient while I stay in the waiting room for a while longer.

~Sunny :D

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