Wednesday, December 11, 2013

GOD's love is SiMpLe

I have often been told I act “Child-like”.  I am a teacher and I enjoy wearing silly themed headbands on my head.  I have been caught sliding down the hallway in my socks.   I paint my face like our school’s mascot at playoff games.  To be honest, I would do any of those things anyway; teaching just gives me an excuse to do it.   I have difficulty taking life seriously and I like to have fun.  

When I view GOD I don’t view him with my child-like nature.   In fact, I complicate His love and make it conditional, and messy.    I was reading Psalms the other day and found this verse:  “The unfolding of your words give light.  It gives understanding to the simple”.
(Psalm 119:13).

The word simple really stuck out at me.   I was soon lead me to this verse:
“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”
(Matthew 18:3) 

Children are trusting and unpretentious.  They understand GOD’s love because it is simple.  GOD loves you and if you believe in Jesus you will go to heaven.  Children don’t complicate the simple truth found in GOD’s word.

I am the one who makes His love conditional.  I am the one that holds on to guilt and refuses to believe that GOD loves me just because he is GOD and that is what he does.   I need to be more like a Child when I view GOD. 

~Sunny :D

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