Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I had a 4th grade student stomp into my room after school one day and declare:  “I can’t participate today, my boyfriend just broke up with me and is dating her” And she points to another member of my after school group.   The 4th grader continues by stating: “my life is OVER!!!”   The two girls continue to fight which disrupts the entire hour of instruction.   It did not help when the boy they were both ‘In love with’ was also a member of this group.  #facepalm

After a heated argument I said to the student: “Let’s put this in perspective…… You are in 4th grade.. I think it’s going to be ok.  I don’t think he is Mr. right and I am SURE there is someone else out there.”  The 4th grader was not very convinced, but at least it got her to stop crying.

How often do I act the same way toward GOD.   Countless times I have exasperated GOD by stating:  “I can’t do this anymore, my life is OVER”.  And typically my life is OVER by silly, trivial things.  

GOD has to calm me down and remind me that he is the creator of the universe and he loves me and he is going to take care of me even if my life seems like it’s over.  “For I know the plans I have for you, thus said the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11).

 I have to put my life in perspective.   I am thankful that GOD is infinitely more patient with me than I am with my students.

~Sunny :D

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