Wednesday, December 11, 2013

GOD's Script

I have a friend who works for a traveling theatre group.  He happened to do a show near where I live so he was able to get me a free ticket and a back stage pass.  After the show he showed me all the props, the set, and I got to see some of the actors run a scene.  It was an experience I will never forget.

What we see on the stage is the finished product.  Unless you have directed or participated in a show, it’s impossible to imagine everything that goes into producing the finished product.  The actors work hundreds of hours to learn lines.  There are props, sets, lights, sound, costumes.   Did you know that action/ fighting scenes are choreographed and if an actor misses one step it will mess up the whole scene?

The point of this post is GOD’s script.  As humans we are only one actor in GOD’s script of life.  I “play my part” in the GOD story.   However, I don’t know anything else.  I don’t know what the other actors are doing and I certainly don’t know what GOD is up to backstage.   I have learned that GOD is always up to something behind the curtain.   I can’t wonder what is happening behind stage, I just need to trust the one who is writing the script and expect that “all things work for the good of those who love GOD and have been called according to his purpose”.  (Romans 8:28).

ALL things.  The blessings and the storms are all part of GOD’s script.

~Sunny :D

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