Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Have you ever watched the movies “Monsters Inc.”?    If you have never watched the movie, I will give you some information.   It is the goal of a monster to enter a bedroom door and scare a child into screaming.   The screams are collected and stored to energize their monster village.

            This post is about doors.   I have asked GOD to open the right doors and shut the wrong ones.     I feel like my life represents the doors from “Monster Inc.”. This goes with my career, my friendships, my ministries, my love life.  In the movie “Monsters Inc.” there are 5 types of doors in this movie.    There are the doors that are stored, doors that are getting moved around, doors that get shredded, doors that close and the doors that are opened.

Let’s start with the doors that are being stored.   Some of those doors represent old memories.  Memories from high school and college, previous jobs, old friendships, and old adventures are stored there.   Those are doors that GOD allows me to “open” in my mind.   I am welcome to visit old college buddies, and look at the pictures of former students to recall those happy times in my life.   The stored doors also represent future adventures and blessings that GOD has not revealed to me yet.

  The room where the doors are stored

Next there are doors that are being moved around.   Those doors represent change.  It has been said that change is constant and I can speak from experience that change is a guarantee.  During this time GOD is storing the old doors and memories to open my life to new experiences.   Sometimes I feel like those doors are moving at a lightning fast pace and other times those doors move slow.   Sometimes those doors are just suspended in space waiting for you to align your thoughts with GOD so he can lower the door so you can enter into the blessing.

Picture of the doors that move and the place they get stored

The next door is the one that gets shredded.  These doors are reserved for the things I surrender to GOD.   When I turn over my guilt, shame, frustration, anger, bitterness, etc.   I surrender those strongholds to GOD and after I do, he shreds the door.    He replaces that door with peace, love, patience, goodness, kindness and other fruits of the spirit.    I have had to surrender my desire to get married, I have surrendered relationships, I have surrendered my desires to have children.   Each time I surrender the door gets shredded and the spirit of turmoil is filled with peace.  I am able to focus on the blessings GOD has given me rather than the things I feel I am missing in life. 


                                                      A door that gets shredded

The next is the door that gets closed.    GOD will close a door and it’s often not a door I want closed.   Job loss, relocation, failed relationships, deaths, breakups.  These are all things that fall under this category.   These are trials in which GOD tests our faith.  Often people refer to these closed doors as “the worst day of their life” and in some cases it is.

When GOD closes the doors

The final door is the door that GOD opens.  This is where the blessing happens.  If you remain obedient when the other doors get stored, shredded, closed or moved.  GOD will replace those doors with new doors, new adventures, new friendships, new ministry opportunities, and new blessings.

                                                        GOD opens a door

Right now I feel like all I am seeing are moving doors ~some doors are being suspended in space.  I am unsure where my life is going but I can feel GOD moving many things very quickly in a very certain direction.  I am unsure of the blessings that will follow.    I am excited to see which doors get opened but at the same time, I am a little sad about the doors that are being closed.

~Sunny :D

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