Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Gold Fish Crackers

Have you ever heard that phrase "When GOD tests you and you don't pass the test he makes you take it again?"  This has happened to me.  I failed the last test so GOD is making me do it again.

I found myself in a situation that was all to familiar because of the career and ministries GOD called me to do.   I was tempted to railroad another person and take what I believed was mine.  I felt like I was being "blocked" by other members of ministry and I felt like I was wasting my time.   My attitude was that of "You can find someone else to pour Goldfish crackers, I  have better things to do with my time."

I realized that an "old" pattern was emerging and I had to step back and figure out what the lesson was.   I went home complained to GOD about everything I was feeling that day and after 20 minutes of venting,  I decided it was time for me to "humbly" bow out of this ministry.   I thanked GOD for the lesson and asked him to give me the courage I needed to walk away from this situation.
That is not what GOD did.   My lesson was not learned yet and I had to spend some time in prayer to figure out what GOD really wanted me to learn.  GOD did not want me to walk away, he wanted me to approach the ministry differently.   GOD taught me I needed to swallow my pride and approach this ministry with humility. "Humble yourselves before the LORD and HE will lift you up" ~James 4:10.   This ministry is NOT about me or my goals and I am not the only one who is capable of doing what I have been asked to do.  I had to see the other members of this ministry as GOD sees them and after GOD opened my eyes I saw beautiful things.

Instead of walking away I am taking this as a learning opportunity.  I am a teacher and I have a natural love of learning and this will be a great way to "learn" new techniques.   I am going to humble myself and become a servant to the other members of this ministry.  I will pour goldfish crackers and serve to the best of my ability and I will do so joyfully.  Instead of harboring anger toward the people I feel are "blocking me" I plan on surprising them with coffee or and homemade cookies. 

I am not doing the job that I was anticipating, but I do believe that I will still be serving the LORD to the best of my ability and I think that was the lesson.   I don’t always have to be in charge of things, sometimes it’s ok to take a back seat and enjoy the ride.  I am thankful to GOD for the lesson and his patience with me during it.

~Sunny :D

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