Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hello, My Name is

I am a teacher.  I am a pretty good teacher too.   When I first became a Christian I volunteered for Children’s ministry at my church and I taught 4’s and 5’s.   That was almost 15 years ago.   I have been attending my church for a year and decided it was time to dip my toe back into Children’s ministry.  I figured VBS  (Vacation Bible School) was the perfect place to do so.

During the first day we watched a Veggie Tales video and the ending of the video had Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato saying “A lie can trap you, but the truth sets you free”.

I have always thought of this in a more practical way.  If a student lies to me, they have to tell a bigger lie to get out of the lie and eventually the lies build like a snowball and they end the lie by admitting they got caught.

But it has also been said that Satan is the Father of lies and his lies trap you.   I hear his lies telling me I am no good, worthless, expendable.

“Hello my name is Doubt.”
“Hello my name is Shame.”
“Hello my name is Fear.”
“Hello my name is Comparison”.

These lies STEAL my joy.   Satan desires to “trap” me into believing I am in inadequate to make a difference for GOD’s kingdom.   The truth is, I am saved by grace and I have a loving heavenly father who adores me despite my mistakes.    

“For we are GOD’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which GOD prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10).

GOD knew I would end up in Children’s ministry.   He designed me and placed me in this time and place for a reason.  I am a sinner.  I was created by GOD to do great things for HIS kingdom.  Of course Satan wants to “trap” me in his web of lies to prevent me from doing great things. 

I will leave you with this You tube clip that has inspired me!

~Sunny :D

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