Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I attend a singles group for people who are 30-39 and Christian.   The men of the group organized a 2-night camping trip and invited us ladies to join.  The cost was only $30 and the men insisted that they would do all of the cooking during the weekend.  We would meet up on Friday around 6 and stay until Sunday afternoon. 

I wanted to go~ and then I prayed about it and GOD said: ”No”.  Let me clarify, GOD did not specifically say NO, and I didn’t receive any scripture or song lyrics to prevent me from going~ but I had no peace.  I felt tremendous conviction to stay home.

All of the people who attend this group are Christ following individuals and I am sure they all have the same relationship with GOD that I do.  I don’t understand why GOD said “no” to me, but said “Yes” to everyone else.

On a practical level, I suppose being in a group of singles in the middle of the woods surrounded by tents, pillows and blankets is not the best place for me to be.  I think I could easily find myself in a compromising position and that would hurt my testimony and devalue my walk with GOD.

 On a more spiritual level, I have asked GOD to open the right doors and close the wrong ones~ maybe this is his way of closing a door so he can open something else up?

Only time will tell..

~Sunny :D

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