Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Trusting GOD with my future would be so much easier if I just had a GPS.   Turn left here, go right there.  I am trying to navigate my life and I find myself asking: GOD can I just have a roadmap or something?

We (my pug and I) were going to drive from Seattle, WA to Montery, CA. I was using the GPS on my phone to navigate our trip.  As long as the blue dot was on the pink line I knew I was still on the right path.   My pug Rufus and I had a series of unfortunate events when we were traveling back from Seattle. To begin with, Rufus got sick and threw up in the rental car.  I pulled over to get some stuff to clean up his mess and I put some cold water into his dog bowl and left him in the car.  When I came back I found Rufus tipped the water bowl over onto MY PHONE!  This meant I lost all communication with the outside world.  No phone calls, no text, no e-mail,  no facebook and no GPS..  We were officially LOST in the center of California and I had no way to find our hotel.   I knew I would be driving blindly for the next 6-8 hours and I had NO MAP.

Here is a series of unfortunate events:
1)    I packed my computer and I saw a Starbucks logo on a road sign and got off that exit to mapquest the directions off of my computer.
2)    That Starbucks was located inside of a safeway and did not have internet access.
3)    I drove to the next exit and found a yogurt store that had wifi.  I purchased a $5 cup of yogurt to get password.
4)    I asked a random stranger where I was and he laughed out loud.. “You are at Razzmatazz, can’t you read the store sign?” and I explained I was lost and needed to find out my hotel room in Montery via. Mapquest.  He laughed again and said “Oh, Montery,  that’s like 7 hours from here”.  It was around 5 pm.
5)    I drive for 2 hours in the general direction I thought I was supposed to go.
6)    I pull off at a rest area to get a map.  I realize I am still 5 hours away from the town I needed to get to.
7)    I hit rush hour traffic.
8)    It begins to rain.
9)    When the rain stops I pull off and ask how to get to Montery.  The guy at the gas station asks “Don’t you have a smart phone?” and points me in the general direction.
10) It is getting dark and now I can’t read road signs.
11) I finally arrive to Montery at 10 PM and realize there are 9 different exists that ALL say the words MONTERY?
12) I pull off and ask a guy at the liquor store if he could help me find the road I needed and he said “Don’t you have a smart phone?”  He gives me some very confusing directions and after I am done driving I find I have just driven in a circle and I find myself a block away from the same liquor store.
13)  I pull off the next exit and go to a Burger King.  The woman asked : “Don’t you have a smartphone?” and gives me directions to my exit.
14) I drive and I see “Comfort Inn”  YAY we have arrived!
15) I get out of the car, grab my exhausted pug and we go into the hotel and the woman said “We don’t take dogs!”
16) I explained I booked the hotel last week and I told them I had a dog.  She pulled up the information and I did not book at that comfort Inn, but the comfort in that was 3 miles away.   She gave me directions.
17) We finally arrive to the hotel at 11:30 PM.  I drove 18 hours strait.  
18) I had a bazillion messages on facebook with people being worried I had died.  I posted the obligatory “I am still alive and safe” message on Facebook.

This road trip would have been less stressful had Rufus NOT knocked out my GPS.   I must admit, through all of this I was not stressed out.  I had faith that GOD would get me there and I would not end up on the side of the road. 

In my journey though life, I wish GOD with just give me a GPS.   It seems less scary when you know which way to turn and when to do it.   I was reading my Bible one night and realized that I do have a GPS and it is the written word of GOD.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119: 105). 

When I was driving to Seattle I didn’t need to know the entire 20 steps to get there all at once, I just needed to know the next thing I was supposed to do.  Thus is my journey with GOD.  I don’t need to know when I will get there or how I will get there I just need to know the next step and GOD provides that for me through his word.    He sheds just enough light onto the path before me so I can see the way I am supposed to go, but he does not overwhelm me with the entire map.

~Sunny :D

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