Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Journey

For this blog I am going to copy exactly what was written in my diary.  Someone once said that life is about the journey not about the destination.   I never viewed my single walk with GOD that way.  I always figured I was just biding my time until “the one” showed up.

In Seattle there is this room called the China room.    The China room is located in Scott Tower and inside of this room is a chair.  Legend has it that if a single woman sits in the chair she will be married within the year.  I asked many local woman who all assured me the legend was true because (insert name of single woman they knew who sat in the chair and got married in a year).  I decided I had to at least glimpse at this magical chair.  I entered the small room that was decorated with Chinese wallpaper made out of fabric.  There were several seats and chairs around the room so I finally asked the woman which chair it was.  The chair was surrounded by Chinese dragons and placed in the center of the room.    I circled the chair several times as if I was a lion stalking prey.  I debated if I should sit in the chair or not.  Half of me wanted to out of sheer curiosity and half of me didn’t want to feel like I was trying to play GOD with my love life.   Well, after an hour of wishy-washyness, I sat in the chair.

Later that day I took my pug Rufus to Discovery Park to go hiking.  We happened to come upon some stairs leading to the beach.  We walked down 198 stairs (Yes, you read that right, 198 stairs) and we arrived to the beach.   I placed a blanket on the beach and I wrote an entry in my journal and read a chapter out of the book I have been reading~ all while my faithful pug napped by my side.

I have reached my destination and the beach was worth it.  This is especially true because I live in Phoenix and rarely see large amounts of water anywhere except a swimming pool.   The destination was peaceful, calm and enjoyable.

But, so was the journey.  There were way to many stairs (Did I mention there were 198 stairs?).  However, green ferns, chocolate covered mud, and wooden walkways covered the path we took.   The journey was as amazing as the destination. 

Is my single journey similar?  I don’t really enjoy the loneliness I face as a single woman~ and the uncertain future that comes with this season.   I long to have the companionship of a husband who will sacrificially love me as Christ loves the church. However, I am single and I must admit I am richly blessed. 

I attend a GOD believe, grace based church.  I have many friends, I have a found a singles group to connect with.  My dog is Awesome.  I have a great job which I find indescribable amounts of joy doing.  I have a stylish apartment in which guests even find comfortable and peaceful to be in.  My journey’s have included solo trips to: San Diego, Sedona, Seattle.   All the places I have gone on my journey and all the places I will go~  GOD has gone before me and he is creating a path for me.  The destination is Marriage, but the journey is amazing too.  

~Sunny :D

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