Saturday, December 21, 2013

Settle Down

I recently had a very awkward conversation with a co-worker.  She told me that she thinks it’s time for me to:  “settle down”.   I was in a cantankerous mood that day so I don’t think my reply was very nice, but here it is anyway.

“I am settled down.   I live 2400 miles away from my family.  I have an apartment and I pay my rent every month on time.  I have a dog.   I actually make payments to my student loans. I know how to cook and I pack my lunch everyday.   I have a home church.  I have multiple friends.  I have a job.  I have two bachelors and a master’s degree.   I am not sure what your definition of settled down is, but I feel pretty settled down.”

In hindsight, this was probably not the best approach and I hope she forgives me for my bluntness.   It frustrates me that the “married” folks think I am not settled down because I don’t follow the standard guidelines of what society believes it means to be “settled down”.  

 It’s time to change the mold!  People like me belong in this world too!

~Sunny :D

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