Saturday, December 21, 2013

Oh! Christmas Tree

Several years ago I was in a serious relationship.   He convinced me to purchase a real Christmas tree and we spent Thanksgiving decorating the tree with ornaments from Crate and Barrel.   I also hand painted a set of 8 reindeer and numerous Christmas ornaments.   After that Christmas, I carefully packed every decoration into red storage boxes.

            I am (obviously) no longer in that serious relationship.  My Christmas decorations have been sitting in red storage boxes for 5 or 6 years.   I always figured I would decorate again if I got married.   I decided that those expensive ornaments have been sitting in the boxes too long!
            I purchased a real Christmas tree and I decorated it.  My pug has been sniffing it for days.  I set out the hand painted reindeer and snowman (I forgot about the snowman).   I even hung the stocking for my pug and filled it with goodies for him.  I invited some girls over and we drank hot chocolate and watched Christmas movies. 

            Just because I am single and I don’t have anyone special to share my Christmas with (again) does not mean that I have to leave the ornaments and reindeer in the storage closet for the “someday” that might not ever happen.   GOD wants me to live a blessed life right now.   I am very glad I put up my Christmas tree and decorated my apartment and I will gladly do it again next year.

~Sunny :D

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