Saturday, December 21, 2013


I am a type A personality.  I am a bit of a perfectionist and I like to have a plan in place.   Unfortunately, my plans have not lined up with GOD for the past 16 years and it’s time for a change.

            Cindi McMenamin is a Christian author for women.  I am reading her book titled “When Women Walk Alone”.    She is married and she prayed and desperately asked GOD for a second child.  For years she was unable to conceive so she finally surrendered her plans to GOD.   A few weeks later she was reminded of her passion for writing and began to write books for women.  She is one of my favorite authors and her books really make my relationship with the LORD grow.    I think she has 10 books published now all because she surrendered her plans and choose to follow GOD’s. 

            I had plans too and I can promise you my plans look very different from the life I am living right now.  I am blessed and I have been granted experiences that most women are not given.   GOD knows the plans he has for me and my only job is to trust and obey him and let him take care of everything else.

~Sunny :D

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