Saturday, December 21, 2013

Praiseworthy Conversations

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will know about my unsaved BFF.   She called me up this Sunday with the most encouraging conversation ever.

            She told me that she went to church all by herself and asked me if I was proud.  It was a Catholic Church, but I was still impressed and proud that she went to church all by herself.   She told me that it was a weird experience because she could just feel like GOD was talking to her.   She has a lot of things going on in her life and she said “It’s like GOD knows exactly what I needed to hear…  Everything from the singing to the message made me feel like GOD was talking to me.. Is this normal?”

            We had a good long conversation about how I feel about GOD and how I experience a relationship with him.  I don’t think she is ready to accept Christ the same way I have, but I do think she is searching and this is very encouraging.    I am praying she “gets it” by the time she moves away in May.     Thank you to all of my readers who have been praying for her. 

~Sunny :D

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