Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I was reading the Book of Matthew last night and I read the most amazing promise from GOD:

“Surely I am with you, always, to the very end of the age”
~Matthew 28:20

            What a powerful verse!   I felt incredible peace.  You know the one that passes all understanding.   My words can’t do justice to the peace I felt, it was indescribable.   I was in awe of GOD.   I went into my prayer time and instead of rattling off my list of prayer requests, I only reveled in GOD’s glory and meditated on his promises to ALWAYS be with me.  

I thanked him for all the gracious things he has given me.   I thanked him for his faithfulness and his promises.     I feel asleep basking in GOD’s astounding love.

~Sunny :D

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