Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Feeling Forgotten

            I think all single people feel forgotten by GOD at one time or another.   If marriage was created and ordained by GOD, why am I still single?    People assure me I am not doing anything wrong.  I am certainly not choosing to be single.   The bible says that nothing is impossible for GOD, so did he forget about me?  It’s easy to feel forgotten when watching others get blessed with the desires of your heart while you sit and wait on wonder.

            I was talking to a good friend about this the other night.  She is also single and close to my age and she also feels forgotten.   Obviously this is not the most encouraging conversation to have in the mist of a trial.   Before bed, I went into my quiet time with GOD and was reading Luke when I came to this:

“Are not 5 sparrows sold for two pennies?  Yet not one of them is forgotten by GOD. Indeed, the very hairs on your head are numbered.  Do not be afraid, you are worth more than sparrows”
~Luke 12: 6-7

GOD is awesome and gives me exactly what I needed to hear.    I am worth more than sparrows!  I am a beloved daughter of the King.  He has not forgotten about me.  That evening in prayer time I heard words to a children’s praise song by Little Big Stuff:

GOD has a plan, GOD has a plan, don’t be afraid, GOD has a plan.
Even though many times, we don’t understand.
Don’t be afraid.  GOD has a plan. 

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