Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Daily Blessings

I am in the middle of some serious trials.   However, I can still see the daily blessings GOD provides to me.

*A co-worker buys me a cup of coffee.
*I get an encouraging note in the mail. 
*A friend from church offers to buy me lunch.
*A friend posts something silly on my facebook wall to makes me smile.
*I went to purchase new clothes and a random woman gives me a $50 OFF coupon to use  (She was not going to use the coupon).
*A co-worker had two FREE tickets to a concert and she asks me to join her.
* A co-worker leaves my favorite candy bar in my mailbox at school.
* On a week I was running low on funds, I found super cheap gas on my way to work.
*I won a $20 gift certificate to Olive Garden.
*My dog does something super goofy and it makes me laugh.

The list can continue.  Everyday I see some small thing GOD does to show me that he loves me.  I am thankful for these daily blessings and provisions. 

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