Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Focus on my GOALS

            It is nearly January and I realized I have not really attacked anything on the bucket list I posted over the summer.   I decided to focus on just a few of the things on my list.

5 K
            My BFF is seriously a little Jillian Michaels.  She is super athletic and has all these “I don’t eat pasta on Tuesday” rules.   Anyway, many years ago I promised her I would run a 5 K with her.   She is leaving in May~ so I am running a 5 K with her in the next 5 months.  I am not as physically fit as she is, so my only goal is to finish the 5 K.   I have been hiking with my dog several times a week to help me build my stamina.   I know I won’t be able to run it all, but I am going to attempt to jog parts of it.  All that matters is that I try!  

Air Plane
            I want to jump out of an airplane.  Skydive.  I have to lose 20 pounds in order to fit within the weight restrictions because I have to go with an experienced jumper.   My goal is to lose 20 pounds so I can jump out of an airplane by May.  (Training for a 5 K is not hurting this goal either). 

            I really want to take a pottery class.  I like getting messy.  I have found a co-worker willing to take the class with me.  The classes are reasonably priced and the location is not to far from where we work.   I would like to take this class in January or February.  (and it will no doubt inspire a HE is the potter I am the clay blog post).

~Sunny :D 

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