Wednesday, December 11, 2013


            I had a couple gal pals over for a night of movie watching over the Thanksgiving Day weekend.

A room full of woman + popcorn= chick flicks.

I can’t remember which movie we watched, but there was a line in a movie that I have not been able to get out of my mind.

“When I was little I used to love catching ladybugs.  I would try for hours and finally I would fall asleep trying.   When I woke up, I would be covered in ladybugs.  Stop looking for ladybugs”.

The funny things it, I used to have this thing for Ladybugs when I was younger.   I used to collect these postcards there were covered with ladybugs of all different colors.   They always had black spots, but sometimes they had blue or green backs instead of red.   I need to stop looking for love and focus on other things (AKA my list of things to do that was written over the summer). 

~Sunny :D

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