Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Perfect Beauty

I was recently watching a video going around facebook that shows how photoshop is used to alter the photo’s of woman used in magazines.   I watched how the artist altered the woman’s body and face to make her fit the standards of what is considered attractive in today’s society.  I saw this video and I felt a mixture of emotions. 

Why do humans think that we need to make alterations to GOD’s creation?  We don’t try to alter sunsets or flowers, or other creatures that were created by GOD.    Why do we photoshop, airbrush and alter our bodies?  Why do humans go through extreme and unnecessary surgeries to change the temple GOD designed for us to live in?   Why do we think it’s acceptable to alter humans, the very thing that was “created in the image of GOD”?   (See Genesis) 

How much longer will we insult the creator by trying to “fix” the creation? 

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