Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A humbling experiences

I have a friend who is catholic.  She agrees that Jesus died on the cross to save all of us from an eternal life of misery, but she is missing the personal relationship aspect of a life with Christ.

            We have known each other for four years.   Initially she was hesitant to become friends with me because I am a Christian and she has had very bad experiences with Christians in the past.   She told me that most of the Christians she knew were judgmental and hypocrites.  Over the four years we became closer and closer and she realized I was different from other Christians.   As our friendship continues to grow, we see each other 2 or 3 times a week on most weeks~  She has become my best friend.  I am not going to lie and say I have been praying for her salvation everyday for the past 4 years, but I have given the situation to GOD and trusted him on a few occasions.
            I think the LORD is finally moving.  On Friday, she and I were hanging out and SHE said:  “Sunny, I need less stupid people and more Jesus”.   I can’t tell you how quickly my jaw hit the ground.   This woman who was dead set against my religion was actually speaking with as much wisdom as member of my church.

I invited her to church a year ago and she swore at me and vowed it would never happen.  This past weekend she actually asked to join me at church.   She even agreed to have lunch with all of my friends from church after the service was over.   She was amazed at how friendly our church was and could understand why I was a part of it.   She really was very responsive to the “non-judgmental atmosphere” she felt at my church. 

Speaking to a mutual Christian friend about all of this and my friend said: 

“This is awesome, maybe that’s why you are single.”

I asked my friend to clarify and they continued by saying: “If you were dating and distracted by a boyfriend or husband could you spend the time with your friend that you have been spending?“   I had to answer that honestly and say no.  If I had a boyfriend I would not be able to spend 2 or 3 nights a week with my BFF.   I probably wouldn’t be able to drop everything and pick her up on the side of the highway when her car broke down or console her with ice cream after a long day at work.   I would be preoccupied with the guy I was involved with.  So my friend said:

“What is more important, your friends salvation or your love life?”


My friend is going to move away in May, so I only have a few more months to share my beliefs with her.   Perhaps that is why I am single. I can show this one person that I care about the love of Christ.    I am not going to go all Apostle Paul on my life and dedicate myself to being single forever… But I suppose that I can deal with trial if it means my friend can live with me forever in heaven someday.   What a humbling experience this has been.

~Sunny :D

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