Wednesday, December 11, 2013

GOD is in the MUNDANE

It’s Veterans Day and as a teacher that means NO SCHOOL!  Typically I have a bazillion things to do.  Work obligations, church obligations, social obligations all fill up my life with busy activities. But today I have nothing.  It is a lazy sort of day.

1) I slept in to 9 AM. 
2) I took my pug for a hike. 
3) I uploaded some videos onto Facebook from a recent praise and worship concert.
4) I made lunch.
5) I went to the pool with a good book.  (It’s still 89 degrees in Arizona).
6) I called a friend.
7) I watched a movie.
8) I spent quiet time with GOD.

I did not do anything exciting today and yet, I still understand that GOD was there.   He knew this day would happen exactly the way it happened and it turned out perfect.

~Sunny :D

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