Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Trust GOD

The bible tells us to trust GOD.   However, how can a believer trust GOD when they don't know him? Having a relationship with GOD is the same as having a relationship with anyone else.

I am not going to pour out my heart to someone I just met on the bus.  We have to become acquaintances, we meet over coffee, and we spend countless hours together.   We baby step our way into become friends.  Trust is something that people have to earn.  Once trust is established, the secrets and the skeletons start to come out.   I know my dark parts have only been spoken to those close to me.

My relationship with GOD was the same.   GOD has an unfair advantage over someone on the bus because he already knows my inmost being, and all my dark secrets.  However, I didn’t trust GOD.   I had to learn who he was; I had to understand that he can be trusted; I had to learn that HE had my best interest at heart.   All of these things had to happened before I could fully trust GOD.    

I could quote the scriptures “Trust in the LORD and lean not on your own understanding, in all ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.” ~Proverbs 3:5

But I didn’t actually feel like I could trust GOD until I learned how too.. and this was only achieved by spending time with him.   In prayer, in the word and in worship.

~Sunny :D

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