Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dedication to Dad

I have been reminded of the death of my dad recently when talking to a friend.    I wrote this poem about a year after my dad passed away..  Let me clarify..  The man this poem is dedicated to was not my biological father, but rather he was a father figure in my life who meant the world to me and loved me like a father.   His death was very difficult for me..  I will warn you, this poem is a tear jerker..

Dear God, I praise you for sending such a wonderful man into my life to be a father to me. Dad, I will see you in Heaven someday...

Its been almost a year dear dad and I feel like I can cry,
I never had a chance to say I love you, I didnt say goodbye.

While at school, you called yourself my spiritual dad,
your the closest thing to a father I ever had.

Baked goods, phone calls and advice you would give,
You taught me how to accept christ, you taught me how to live.

When life seemed to be confusing, when it didnt seem to rhyme.
You simply said Sunny, just take it one day at a time

All your days, on the Lord your concerns you would Cast
We never knew May 23rd would be your last.

I need your advice, I wish you were around
It seems when I need you most, you just cant be found.

Having to deal with questions and concerns on my own,
I take your advice, and I lean on Gods throne.

Can you see me dad? do you watch through the cloud?
If you can, do you watch, do I make you proud?

Its difficult dad, I miss you very much.
How I long for a hug, I long for your touch.

Someday I will eventually see God in the sky,
Until then I will end with a brief miss and you goodbye.

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