Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Peaceful Home

I participate in a woman's bible study and right now we are doing on study on Genesis and the biblical roles of woman.   As a single woman without children I don't always feel like these kind of things apply to me.    The study we did last week was on our roles in the home.   The study talked about how we should create a peaceful home and practice hospitality.

     This got me thinking.  I love my apartment.  I moved into my apartment about 16 months ago and I have loved it ever since.  It is decorated nicely and I feel peaceful when I enter the door after  a long day of work.  I don't know anything about the practice of fung shui, when it comes to decorating but I created an environment of peace.    When I have friends come over they have remarked how my apartment makes them feel comfortable and peaceful.   

     With this being said, I don't have company over very often because I lack the motivation to keep my apartment spotless.  (With exception of my closest, nearest, dearest, best-est friends who have seen it looking less than spotless).   I am not a messy person and my apartment is usually clean.  However, there is a difference between "I am the only one who sees this" and "Time to host a dinner for friends" clean.     However, woman are called to have a peaceful home that welcomes guests.  "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling." ~ 1 Peter 4:8-9

     Without grumbling?  Like the grumbling I do when I don't host an event because I don't feel like steam cleaning the carpets?  The grumbling I do when I encourage my friends to meet at a location just far enough away to prevent them from trying to crash at my place because I don't feel like washing dishes?

      I am getting more involved in my church and I am feeling a strong conviction to open my home to fellowship.  My home is a peaceful home and I need to welcome other believers.   Tonight I did.  I invited several members of a small group to my home.  Unfortunately, due to scheduling conflicts, only an older couple could show up.  We had an amazing time.  I found out how they met, and how they started to come to our church.  We watched a movie and we celebrated over pizza.  It was a fantastic time.  I really look forward to inviting more of my church family over. 

~Sunny :D

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