Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I have taught in a variation of places over the years.  In each place I have previously taught I always thought “this is no it, there is something better out there.  This is temporary”.  I have always been right.   In each school I have taught in, and each class I have taught I have grown as an educator.  I have polished my skills and learned innovative ways to teach my subject to prepare myself for the great “someday”.   

            I have reached that “someday”.    I have amazing students, supportive principal, and great co-workers.  This is my dream job and I am finally doing it and I find immense joy in my new school.   Last April I was pondering this thought by the pool and at the time I believed I could see myself retire from this job.   

            I enjoyed my summer, and reported back to my school in August.   I was cleaning my room, and preparing it for my students when I heard GOD say “Time to prepare this for the next person”.   Wait?  What?   The next person?   This is MY dream job.  I was very confused by this overwhelming feeling that it was time to get things in order for the next person.  

Am I leaving this job?

            A week later I had a dream.  I don’t remember dreams very often so when I do remember I pay attention.  My dreams always come true.  In the dream, my classroom was getting renovated and I was angry because could not find anything.  But then I realized I was not in MY ROOM, I was in a different room. 

Am I leaving this job?
I am a teacher.  I have been teaching for nearly 14 years now and I believe I am very good at my craft.  Things have gotten too easy for me.  There is no challenge and I am not growing as an educator.     This makes me nervous because I have found that when I start getting into a routine, when I start to feel complacent, GOD moves. 

Am I leaving this job?

            I am not sure if this year will be my last or if next year will be, but I believe one of the following will happen:
1)   I won’t be teaching at my school
2)   I will be teaching a different grade level.
3)   I won’t be teaching anymore. 
4)   I will be teaching in a different state, country or location.

If you read my previous post about the Monster’s Inc. doors you will understand why I am a little mixed up with my life right now.    I have no idea what is happening in May or next year, but at the same time I feel so much peace!  I have that peace that passes all understand that only GOD can give.  I am excited to see what is coming; but at the same time, a little sad that this amazing blessed chapter of my life is ending.

~Sunny :D

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