Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Poem for GOD

I actually wrote this about 8 years ago.  I found it when I was looking for something else.. Enjoy! 

You have taught me how to pick up the pieces of a broken past
I found someone to guide me, I found a Savior at last!

For years I did not understand all the pain I once faced,
but now I understand the true meaning of Gods Grace

I am not shy to always speak my mind
to stand up for what is right, I pray you will find

Be as wise as a serpent, as harmless as a dove
Whenever I hear your word, it is spoken in love.

Step by step, you taught me how to live life the right way
To prepare for a life that I would live someday.

Learning how to become strong in Christ, I see myself grow
I have learned the hard way, that what I reap I will also sow

Everyday I strive to grow in Gods grace,
I long to stand in heaven, I long to see your face.

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