Sunday, December 29, 2013

Book Review: THRIVE: The Single Life as GOD Intended

I found this book at a Christian bookstore.   I had been praying to GOD to help me learn how to be content in this season of singleness and I was looking for a book to help me do so.  I found the book  “THRIVE: The Single Life as God Intended”  By Lina Abujamra.   (GOD answers prayers).

            The author is single and in her 40’s.   During the book, she outlines some of the struggles she has had as a single, which makes the book very relatable.  Her words are tough, and a reader must make sure their heart is in the right place to hear the wisdom in the words she wrote.  

            In this book she talks about contentment, self-control, holiness, freedom and devotion to GOD.   She goes in depth about how we can conquer self-pity, bitterness, idolatry, and loneliness.   She also explains how those things are very bad to your walk with Christ.  She explains the importance of finding true love in Christ and living a life that thrives for the LORD.

One nugget of truth I found in this book:
            GOD makes no mistakes.   You are not living plan B.  Nothing that happens in your life is outside of the will of GOD.    The single life is not plan B.  Your dating life is not GOD’s big “oops”.  It’s GOD’s best for you.   I believe with all of my heart that GOD, in His sovereignty, has allowed you to be single today for a reason, and that it is His plan not only to intentionally give you the gift of singleness but also teach you how to thrive in it.  Until you start believing GOD’s truth in your life, you will not thrive  (Page 45)

            That was such amazing advice from a fantastic woman of GOD.   The whole book is packed with nuggets of wisdom like that.    I finished the book in 8 hours.   On a scale of  1 to 10, I would probably give this an 9.    This book is very scripture laden, and open and honest.   Lina bears her soul in a few of the stories.   However, I wish she would have given more practical advice on what to do with your time and how to thrive for Jesus.  I must admit this was one of the BEST books I have read geared for single Christians in a long time.

She has a blog if you are interested in reading more of her works, here is the web address:

~Sunny :D

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