Wednesday, December 11, 2013

1 Kings 19:4

“I have had enough LORD,” he (Elijah) said.  Take my life”
~1 Kings 19:4

I said those words recently to GOD.   A few days ago I woke up in a funk.   I was upset about my life.  Aggravated with my job, the uncertainty with my love life, irritated by my finances (Murphy’s law has hit me hard this school year).

I felt defeated.   I am 36… how did I end up here?

I was supposed to go out with some friends but I decided to stay home and spend time with GOD.   Typically singing praise and worship songs are a quick cure to my sour mood.  That night was different.   I was singing the songs and tears were streaming down my face.   I still felt miserable.   I tried to read scripture but my heart was not in it.  Finally, I prayed~ and cried.  Mostly cried.  Cried out to GOD.  I sat face down in a pool of tears grasping a box of tissues.    

I said: “I have had enough LORD, take my life”.

(Insert dramatic pause)

I am still breathing.  Well, if it did not work for Elijah, and I guess it won’t work for me either. 

The truth is, I sat there and cried out to GOD until I feel asleep.   I can’t even tell you what I said to GOD because I really don’t remember.  I just remember that I cried about everything and anything I could possibly think of.    How many people get to that point in their life?

~ Sunny :D

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