Saturday, August 5, 2017

Single in the Summer~ Cooking

Most summers I learn how to cook food I am unfamiliar with.  I think it is fun to try out new recipes.  One summer I learned how to make 4 different types of cheesecakes.  Another summer I learned how to cook various dishes from Hawaii.  And one summer I learned how to make super cute sugar cookies with fondant.  These skills are not used on a weekly basis, but it helps me to bring things to church pot-lucks and create yummy things for special occasions.

With that being said, I wanted to try out recipes I could make on a weeknight when I needed a break from pasta and hamburgers.  I choose to try to make foods from different cultures to make things more interesting.

My first recipe was something called a Poke Bowl (this ended up being my favorite of the three things I will mention in this blog.).   I LOVE sushi.  However, sushi can become very expensive, very quickly.  I considered learning how to make it, but I was told that it would be very difficult and time consuming process.    A Poke Bowl is kind of like throwing elements of sushi into a bowl.   Here my first attempt at a Poke Bowl.  

Ahi Poke Bowl

 There are many things you can put inside of a Poke Bowl and make it take delicious.   I choose to make mine with Ahi, but they can be made with shrimp, salmon, and even chicken.  some of my other ingredients included:  rice, cucumber, mango, cilantro, avocado and sesame seeds.     This was my first attempt, but not my last.  I plan on making this at least once a week from now on, adding different things into the bowl.

My second recipe was a Chinese dish.  I am not a huge fan of Chinese food, but my roommate orders it all of the time so I wanted to make some and surprise her one night for dinner.

Ginger-Garlic Chicken with Veggies
                                                  Cooking in the pan          Finished product

It was ok.  My roommate told me she loved it, but I felt like it was a little dry.  I am not sure if I will make this again or try a different Chinese recipe next time. 

My third recipe as Indian food.  I choose to make a Chicken curry.    

Chicken Curry
                                          Cooking in a pan                   Finished product

The recipe I followed was easy and the curry came out delicious and a little spicy.   I am not sure if I will make this again or not.  Indian food is good once in a while, but is not something I would enjoy eating all of the time. (not to mention the complaints from my roommate on the smell).   However, I do like it more than Chinese food so perhaps I will make it again.  

It was enjoyable to try different recipes.  I only tried 3 new recipes because I didn't want to have a ton of leftovers and I certainly did not want to throw out food.  Summer gets busy with picnics, potlucks and travel.   I do want to keep trying new out new things more often during the school year.  I hope you enjoy my adventures in cooking!

~Sunny :D

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