Sunday, April 2, 2017

Single Girls can Grill Too!

My roommate purchased a small grill from Target.  We are currently renting a Condo and the grill that is provided is very old and very dirty.   We both feared that we would burn down the entire condo development if we lit the grill.

Today,  she came home around noon and announced: "I purchased us a baby grill and we are going to learn how to use it."  Let me preface this by stating that neither of us had any idea how to grill (unless the George Forman grill counts) and I knew we were in for an adventure.  I once had the goal of learning how to grill, but I could not figure out how to turn on the grill in my last apartment complex, so I never achieved my goal.  Here I am 5 years later learning how to grill~ God works in mysterious ways.

She came home with the Backyard Grill 14.5 Round Portable Charcoal Grill (Look at me talking like I already know stuff about grilling).

Our new "BABY GRILL"

The thing with baby grills is that we realized that some assembly was required.  If you can imagine, two woman who have never grilled a day in our lives trying to figure out how to put the thing together.  It took nearly an hour to set the thing up and we were both excited to use it.

We decided to make simple hamburgers.  One of us was the "grill-master" with the task of running the grill and cooking the meat.  The other one was of course the google-expert who had the task of finding directions on how to use it.  (I was the google expert on this adventure).

We had some problems adjusting the flame (Sometimes it was a little too high if you know what I mean) but overall I am proud to say our hamburgers tasted yummy and were only slightly burnt.  Considering it was the first time we ever grilled, we are proud of ourselves.

Why am I telling you this?  I am trying to live one day at a time and find the joy in the small things that life has to offer.  When I woke up today, I did not think I would spend my afternoon building a grill and cooking dinner on it tonight.  It was a fun memory that I will always cherish.

~Sunny :D

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