Sunday, April 2, 2017

2017: The Year of Change

Yes.. I know I should have written this in January, however my work life was very busy and I had several obligations required so I did not have the time to really focus on this blog.

After reading the book "New Rules for Love, Sex & Dating" by Andy Stanley I have decided to take a year off from dating. The whole idea behind the book is: Become the person the person you are looking for IS looking for.   My 40th Birthday is in August, but I am still going to take a year off from dating to focus on my relationship with the Lord.  Will this challenge be easy?  Honestly I am not really in a position to change my dating status and I have zero prospects on the horizon so I think this will be an easy challenge for me.

2015 & 2016 were some of the most difficult years of my life.  2017 is a year to clear my mind and heal from everything that has happened.   I want to make myself a better person and figure out who I am in Christ.

I am very goal oriented so here are some goals I listed for 2017

1) Read the New Testament between Christmas and Easter.
2) Read "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis
3) Read "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young everyday for a year.
4) Be more grateful for who God is/keep a journal of thankfulness

1) Eat healthy and start to lose weight again.
2) Start attending a gym again
3) Run a 5K

Live life to the fullest:
1) Take a pottery class
2) relearn guitar
3) Travel somewhere I have never been

In my journey to get closer to God and become more Christ-like I want to start living life to the fullest.  Live an abundant life.  Find joy in the small things. Make each day count for something and find something amazing in each and every day.

~Sunny :D

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