Friday, January 9, 2015

Making Decisions

I have a confession.  I am awful at making decisions.   I trust GOD, but I don’t always trust myself.   I spend many hours in prayer trying to discern the will of GOD but always wonder if I am making the wrong choice.   Often I try to figure out the will of GOD I get my own head, emotions, plans tangled into the decision.   The LORD knows this, “would not GOD have discovered it, since he knows the secrets of the heart?” ~Psalm 44:21.    My thoughts are not always his thoughts and I am very thankful to have such a patient GOD.

  GOD is Omniscient.  In revelation he is called the Alpha and the Omega.   Isaiah states: “I am GOD, and there is no other; I am GOD, and there is none like me.  I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times what is still to come.”
~Isaiah 46:9-10.     GOD knows the plans he has for me (Jeremiah 29:11).   GOD is all knowing and has numbered my days.   I always struggle when it is time to make choices. 

            I can make simple choices: Should I make tacos or burgers for dinner tonight?   Should I paint the walls in my bedroom blue or red? Some choices are more difficult and I like to pray fully consider all of my options before making a decision.

            First, I like to consult the word of GOD to see if my decision aligns with scripture.   Some decisions are very black and white.   Bless don’t curse, love your enemies, don’t sin.   I also like to consult trusted advisors, in Proverbs it states:   “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.”~ Proverbs 15:22.

            In other words, I seek wise counsel before making any hasty decisions.   Here is some advice about seeking counsel: Find someone who has your best interests at heart.   Make sure you avoid counselors who have an agenda to push.   Ultimately, put your trust in GOD and the people who do not have your best interests at heart will be revealed. 

            Right now I have a decision to make.  Right now I am trying to discern if events are just stumbling blocks to prevent GOD from doing great things with me OR if GOD is making the nest uncomfortable so I will do something else with my life.

            I have prayed and I feel peace.  But I don’t know what I should do.   I have read the word of GOD.    I have sought the counsel of advisors.  A trusted Pastor, and my mentor say one thing, but other advisors are speaking the opposite.  They think that GOD has big plans and a multitude of blessings that won’t be given unless I change my circumstances.   I don’t want to make a hasty decision I will regret.

The counsel of many + my own desire= A mess in my head.

Will things get better?

            I will lose connections.   But I will make new connections with new people.  This decision has become a fight of flight response.  Do I stay and persevere even if things feel uncomfortable or do I fly away to a new place?

            GOD is Omniscient and his purposes for me will be fulfilled no matter what I choose. But I am not sure if GOD wants to keep me here to refine me and bless me or if I should go somewhere else.  

Praying for GOD to light my way and direct my paths

~Sunny :D

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