Friday, January 9, 2015


What is Character?   Character has to do with our personalities.  How you act, how you treat others.   It has to do with strength, dignity and honor.   Character does not fade like outward beauty but rather it continues to develop as we mature in Christ.  People who have good character are a good example for others. 

How do we build character?
            Helen Keller once said: “ Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.  Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. “

We should build character through perseverance.  The apostle Paul had similar thoughts when he said: “We rejoice in the hope of the glory of GOD.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings because we know that sufferings produce perseverance, perseverance, character and character hope.”  ~Romans 5:3

            Perseverance through trials is what helps to build this character.  Are we willing to stand up for Christ?   How do we handle a quarrel with another member of Christ?  Do we hold up GOD’s laws and handle things biblically?    GOD’s goal for a believer is to become more Christ-like and often it happens by experiencing trials.

What does character look like?
Numerous people in the bible are described as having noble character: David (Psalm 78:72), Job (Job 2:3) and Ruth (Ruth 3:11).    These biblical role models were virtuous and had a reputation for displaying Godly character. People who have good character exhibit Christ’s love in how they treat others and respect the authority of GOD.    We should spend our time developing “The unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in GOD’s sight.” ~1 Peter 3:4. 

~Sunny :D

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