Monday, December 22, 2014

Trusting GOD

How can one define trusting GOD?   I have heard it said that trusting GOD requires us to not know how GOD is going to accomplish what needs to be done and now knowing when he will do it. 

            In the past few months, I have been getting many, many verses and songs about trusting GOD.   He has a plan and he knows the desires of my heart.   He is the great provider of all things.  “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” ~James 1:17

Timing plays a part in trusting GOD..  Timing and Trust go side by side.   We must wait on GOD for the answers.  

            Joseph had to wait to trust GOD.   In Genesis 39 Joseph is wrongfully accused of putting sexual moves onto Potiphar’s wife and he was thrown into jail.   Timing was everything.  If Joseph had escaped or gotten released sooner, he might not have been able to assist the Pharaoh in analyzing dreams. 

            When we accept GOD’s timing, we can learn to live in hope and enjoy our lives while GOD works it all out.    GOD’s has a plan for each of us.  In order to experience peace and joy we must accept those plans are for our good.   GOD knows when we are ready, not when we think we are ready to accept the blessing.    “He makes all things beautiful in his time.” ~Ecclesiastes 3:10.

            GOD will allow things to happen at the right time.   Don’t try to figure it out.  Just finish the race~ Trust Jesus and keep your eyes focused on HIM!

~Sunny :D

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