Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Lord Gives & Takes Away

Six of my college friends have relocated out of state in the past two weeks.   Two more are moving by the end of July.   With this change,  my entire social circle is going to disappear.  I should feel panicked, I should feel depressed, but instead I am feeling peace.   This is the amazing peace that can only come from Christ.

            My church started a Single’s group for people in their 30’s.  I have been led by the LORD to get more involved into this group and to help it grow.   I invited everyone to my house to play board games and pizza.  I was surprised that six people showed up.   We had an amazing time playing games, eating pizza and fellowshipping with each other.

A week prior to this I had several college friends in my apartment for the last time.

GOD’s timing is perfect!

            I could view my transitional summer with sorrow as I say good-bye to each of my friends and watch them drive away to new adventures.  Instead I am choosing to trust GOD to provide new friendships and experiences for me.  I am not sure what the LORD is up to in my life but I have a peace that this next season will be a very good one for me.

~Sunny :D

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